Sunday, April 04, 2010

I like my blog persona more than my one in real life simply because I can convey my emotions more clearly through writing. My words don't come out the way I had imagined them to be whenever I speak.

People say everything online is not genuine, but to me it is. This blog is as honest as it can get. Actually, I'm more or less made up of the words here and my facial expressions. My expressions can be read way too easily. Its difficult to hide, that means I can't lie either.

No, correction. I'm only made up of my own thoughts and emotions, and nobody will fully understand unless I choose to tell them (either through written words or verbally). This contradicts what people say. Even with face-to-face conversation, we can never truly understand someone. Some people are also excellent in masking everything with their facial expression so I wonder what makes that "much more genuine".

Just another take on this issue. I think its depends on the individual, everything's dependent on the individual. Some people are really cheaters on the internet while some others are not.

I forgot why I wanted you all to know I won't lie here.

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